Dutch, More or Less at Nieuwe Instituut - Volkskrant Research Fellow [Nieuwe Instituut] Design Academy Eindhoven [MA Social Design project 'Design at the Borders'] College van Rijksadviseurs Waag Futurelab Boekmanlezing Erasmus University Rotterdam Niteshop - NRC Handelsblad TROUW AD Vrijheidslezing Black Lives Matter [2016] Vers Beton OneWorld Sculpture International Rotterdam Venice Biennale [lecture, 2018] Dutch Design Week De Correspondent Gemeente Amsterdam - De Staat van de Stad [2019] Letters to the Mayor [essay] De Sociëteit [NPO] VPRO Tegenlicht [documentary] ‘Ga Terug en Haal Het’ by Clarice Gargard [documentary] La Rage [film] G/D THYSELF: Spirit Strategy On Raising Free Black Children [short film] Kunstinstituut Melly Cultural Currency Conference 2023 - NRC Handelsblad Afrolit, Uitgeverij Pluim [book] Cultuurnota Gemeente Utrecht Reimagining Public Spaces Ministerie van Justitie & Veiligheid - Nationale Politie Porto Design Biennale [lecture, 2019] ‘‘Noise In The Hood'' TENT